A school of creative arts.
A factory of cool ideas.
A crowd sourced hothouse of how to, why to and why not to.
A creative think-tank. A warehouse of tips, tricks and inside knowledge. A playground, a garden, an oasis.
The Zebra Collective is a space for creative people and the people who work with them and who love them (and occasionally hate them). It is a fascinating new way of unlocking the secrets of being creative and discovering how to live a long and productive creative life.
Ready to jump in?
Join The Collective
In the Zebra Collective you can find out how to be more creative, how to help others be more creative, and how everyone can survive the experience.
- Want to know what makes you tick? The answer is in the Zebra Collective.
- You're blocked? The answer is in the Zebra Collective.
- Want to learn the creative trade secrets? The answer is in the Zebra Collective.
- Want some advice from people who've been there before you? The answer is in the Zebra Collective.
- Want some easy to get training? The answer is in the Zebra Collective.
- Want to know how to live and work with creative people? The answer is in the Zebra Collective.
- Want to know how to structure for innovation? The answer is in the Zebra Collective.
- Want to know how to attract a core of innovators? The answer is in the Zebra Collective.
- Want to know how to manage creative people? The answer is in the Zebra Collective.
- Want to know what makes great organizational culture? The answer is in the Zebra Collective.
- Want to know how to negotiate? The answer is in the Zebra Collective.
How do you light up the night and not be consumed by the fire? Come and be a part of the Zebra Collective and find out.
To buy the book: Living With A Creative Mind - click here.
For Zebra Psychology - therapeutic services for creative people - click here.